GRI certified „Sustainability reporting – GRI G4” training

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Sustainability reporting helps organizations to become more responsible, accountable and contribute effectively to sustainable development; to engage with stakeholders and build corporate reputation. To prepare and publish a report needs more than data, wording and editing.

Date: 27-28 March 2014 + on-line exam
Location: Hungary, Budapest (will be specified later)
Language: English
Participation fee: 750 EURO + VAT (27%), which includes printed training material, coffee breaks, lunch, exam fee, licence fee, but does not include travelling, parking or accommodation fee.
Discounts: For NGOs, teachers, students, SMEs (<50 employees) and for companies that delegate more participants than 1 person, the participation fee will be reduced to 500 EURO + VAT (27%).
10% Early bird discount if registering until 28th February.

   Capturing key topics and developments, the 16-hour training provides a holistic overview of sustainability reporting, from G4 requirements and developments to practical information and conclusions.

The training provides a general overview on the reporting process and areas:
• starting with basic definitions (what is sustainability),
• the reporting process (what is reporting, how to measure sustainability, GRI principles and indicators), also
• concrete reporting dilemmas (printed or online, which target group, how to communicate it effectively, how to prioritize issues etc.).

   Former training participants evaluated the training as practical, professional, creative and open minded event, which gave them every day help although to prepare their first report or develop already existing reporting practices.

Always high level of professionalism and up to date information on the trainings. The helicopter view provided through the training is real help during the everyday work on reporting and CSR” – Márton Csilla, Hungarian Telekom

“Finally a training providing useful knowledge and information in a good and creative atmosphere.” – Nemess-Kiss Mónika, Holcim Hungária

“Time effective training filled with real content” – Dakó Andrea, WWF Hungary

The training in a glance
• Practical knowledge
• Experienced, professional trainers
• Group learning, practice sharing with peers
• ntensive course: from basics to everyday challenges
• GRI certification

   Sustainability reporting is a continually evolving practice that interacts with local and global developments. Thousands of organizations worldwide produce sustainability reports, and more and more develop their reporting process to gain benefits. Assurance and integrated reports are among key challenges on a global level, stakeholder engagement, materiality and successful publishing and dissemination on national levels.

„The training was very useful for me – after reading the GRI guidelines, the training helps to understand and use it wisely.” – Pogácsásné Balogh Erika, Nyírségvíz Nyíregyháza and Conurbation Water and Canalization Closed Shareholder Group

“I received useful, practical and up to date information during the training. The professionalism, experiences and commitment of the trainers is amazing.” – Benkő Henrietta, GDF Suez Hungary

“Well prepared, professional trainers and well-structured training program, which helps to handle successfully the challenges according reporting.” – Torma András, Audi Hungaria

“The best in reporting and training on reporting” – Gärtner Szilvia, Denso Hungary

   Reporting is an internal learning process contributing the sustainable and organizational development, and a communication tool to build and strengthen reputation and stakeholder relationships. The relationship between data, an organization’s sustainability, performance and its ability to communicate material information to stakeholders is among key challenges – and this training will give useful insights and day to day recommendations to tackle them.

   Reporting is an internal learning process contributing the sustainable and organizational development, and a communication tool to build and strengthen reputation and stakeholder relationships. The relationship between data, an organization’s sustainability, performance and its ability to communicate material information to stakeholders is among key challenges – and this training will give useful insights and day to day recommendations to tackle them.

The trainers in a glance
• Award winning reports – Central and Eastern European Environmental and Sustainability Reporting Award by Deloitte
• Experience in writing, communicating and assuring sustainability reports
• More than 20 years experience with Global Reporting Initiative, former membership in Stakeholder Panel of GRI

Mandy FERTETICS, CEO, partner and senior consultant of Alternate Consulting, degree in Masters of Economies. More than 10 years working experience on sustainability and CSR, trying different stakeholder positions as researcher, trainer, consultant, NGO professional and also corporat manager. Focusing on stakeholder engagement and strategy development. Also Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Manager of Dreher Breweries (SABMiller), currently on maternity leave.

Rolf SCHWERY, CEO, partner and senior consultant at Schwery Consulting. Economist and Sociologist. Working experience in Switzerland Russia and Eastern Europe. High level knowledge on social research. reporting and training. Member of the Working Group to develop the GRI Sector Supplement for Event Organizers (GRI EOSS).

Katalin URBÁN, CEO, partner and senior consultant at Alternate Consulting. Environmental engineer and health and safety specialist. More than 15 years experience on the field of sustainability performance measurement, reporting and GRI. Working experience as NGO professional, consultant and as corporate manager. Former member of Stakeholder Panel of GRI. Currently CSR and communication chief specialist at Grundfos Manufacturing Hungary.

More information and contact: [email protected]; +36-20-947-1884; [email protected];+41-796-880-218; [email protected]; +36-20-932-9160

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